TeamPurpleRain Winter Pentathlon
There are 5 disciplines performed in a set order. The 5 disciplines are (all one-arm):
Long Cycle Press (Clean + Strict Press)
Each discipline is carried out for 6 minutes.
Multiple hand changes are allowed
There is a 5-minute break after each discipline
There is a maximum repetition (rep) count for each discipline. These are only maximums and a sub-maximum number will not be penalised
*Since this is for fun, you are more than welcome to sub out Long Cycle Press for Long Cycle (Clean + Jerk) or any other lifts for something you are more interested in for that matter!
The maximum rep counts are as follows. These are deemed as realistic numbers that can be achieved within the given time constraints and with good form. No additional points are scored for reps over the preset maximum.
Cleans: 120 reps
Long Cycle Press: 60 reps
Jerks: 120 reps
Half Snatch: 108 reps
Push Press: 120 reps
The competitors are allowed to choose a maximum of 5 different weights for their kettlebells. Those bells can then be used for whatever discipline they choose. No changing of the weight is allowed once the athlete starts that particular discipline and no setting the weight down until the 6 minutes are up.
If the weight is set down whilst there is still time left on the clock, the set is ended but all reps will count up to the point when the bell was placed down. Also, if the competitor hits maximum reps whilst still having time on the clock, the kettlebell will be put down and that competitor will gain additional rest.
A different points value is assigned to each kettlebell as follows:
8 kg = 1 point
10kg = 1.25 points
12 kg = 1.5 points
14kg = 1.75 points
16 kg = 2 points
18kg = 2.25 points
20 kg = 2.5 points
22 kg = 2.75 points
24 kg = 3 points
28 kg = 3.5 points
32 kg = 4 points
Example: If the competitor performs 100 reps with the 24 kg bell in the Half Snatch then this is worth 100 (reps) x 3 (points) = 300 points
All five scores are added up in this way to create a total score!
SIGN UP for this year’s Winter Pentathlon!