Interested in learning Kettlebell Sport?
Are you currently training for something else and don't have the time to commit to a new sport just yet? Want to see for yourself how a kettlebell can compliment your training toolbox? Curious about what the difference between hardstyle and Sport is?
Then come check out this 3-part workshop series! Here's what you'll learn:
- How to build healthy shoulders and hips for lifting overhead
- Basic techniques of how to safely lift a competition-style kettlebell
- How sport lifting can be a full body and cardio cross-training tool for multi-sport athletes
Kettlebell Sport recruits full body power and endurance like no other. Different than traditional hardstyle lifting, Sport focuses on optimizing efficiency in order to output power for an extended period of time without rest. Think an endurance run vs. a sprint; fluid movement vs. maximum tension. It is a true power endurance sport, testing both physical capacity and mental tenacity at the same time. This three-part workshop is meant to help get comfortable around a competition style kettlebell and spend time honing in technique to get your feet wet as a Kettlebell Sport lifter. Build confidence to safely lift a kettlebell while learning the potential of how kettlebell sport can enhance your current fitness goals. During the workshops, you will learn how to Swing, Clean, Push Press, Jerk, Snatch and Long Cycle. Along with these lifts, learn best practices for mobility under control to help maximize your Kettlebell Sport experience.
This is a beginner series, so no experience necessary! We will be learning new techniques together at the same time. Having the ability to lift overhead with no current injuries is highly recommended.
Sport lifting requires consistency and commitment, so only those interested in committing to yourself and all 3 classes will be accepted.
There will be no refunds once the program starts or for missed sessions. Payment is due upon enrollment.
Class Schedule:
Tuesdays 6p (50 min.) September 11th, 18th and 25th
Ren Fitness
1404 NW 49th St.
Seattle, WA 98107
$149 + Tax
Ready to sign up? Fill out the contact form here!