We understand that sometimes life happens and you have to cancel an appointment. As our clients, we hope that you understand that a cancellation policy is put in place to keep you accountable, as well as keep our time and resources honored and valued. To most efficiently manage scheduling and make sure clients can get in their sessions regularly, we strictly enforce a Late Cancel & No Show Policy:

  1. Early Cancel: An Early Cancel is any cancellation that occurs more than 24 hours prior to the start of your session. There is no charge for an Early Cancel.  

  2. Late Cancel: A Late Cancel is any cancellation that occurs less than 6 hours prior to the start of your session. If you Late Cancel and reschedule that session within 7 days, you will not be charged a fine for the session. If you Late Cancel and DO NOT reschedule that session within 7 days, you will be charged a $15 fine.

  3. No Show: A No Show occurs if you do not cancel AND do not show up for your scheduled session. If you No Show, you will be charged full price for the session.

  4. Reoccurring Cancels/No Shows: If you Late Cancel or No Show more than 3 times consecutively, we will suspend future sessions and evaluate the situation to determine discontinuation of services.  



Please confirm you have read and understand the cancellation policy above by filling out the form below. Thank you!