Are you ready for this jelly? I have tweaking my workouts to be more efficient lately, as I start to get into my final weeks of endurance training for STP and having only small windows of time to do it. This week’s 45-minute workout was too fun not to share. And by fun I mean getting to lie on the floor while drinking a smoothie and watching a few episodes of The X-Files after.

KETTLEBELL (~30 min.)

30 Snatches (each arm)

20 Deadlift + High Pull

10 KB Sumo Squat Jump

40 Cleans (each arm)

20 KB Glute Bridges + Pullovers

10 Plyo Push Up Switches on KB

50 Swings (each arm)

20 Windmills

10 Half TGUs


20s Holds, no rest inbetween x 3


Downward Dog

Half Plank




20s Hill Sprints / 20s recovery x 6


How did you do?


AuthorLizelle Din

Now that I’ve shared some of my favorite productivity tools to work(out) from home, I’ll share some of my favorite moves with them that can be done as a complete workout. These moves hit the major muscle groups and train movements that keep your body balanced and ready for action. Enjoy!


First Things First

Foam Roller

Before even starting your workout, spend some time with the foam roller. Hit areas that feel tight—such as quads, glutes, calves, lower back and hamstrings—making sure to spend at least 30 seconds working on each area. Using only your bodyweight, roll gently back and forth along the muscle. Once you are done, go ahead a do a dynamic warmup (walkouts, squats, leg swings, etc.) to get those muscles ready to move.


Now, the Workout

Do the exercises in order, one after the other until you have completed the set. Rest for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then repeat the circuit 2 more times for a total of 3 sets.

1. Walkout to Push Up - Bodyweight

Stand up straight with feet shoulder width apart. Bending at the hips and keeping legs straight, plant each hand on the ground and begin to walk forward into a plank position. Upon arrival in a plank, execute a push up and walk back up to standing.

*If a push up cannot be done in proper form, come down to the knees for the push up or do a half push up.

Reps: 10

2. Pistol Squat - Suspension Strap

I am slowly making my way to unassisted pistol squat territory. The only way I have made it this far is with lots of practice and the help of my suspension strap. With the strap attached securely to the door, walk back holding the straps until arms are fully extended but not locked. Balancing on one foot while activating every inch of your footbed, lower into a squat as if you were sitting back in a chair, going only as far as you feel comfortable while using the straps for minimal balance and assistance as the non-weight bearing leg extends straight out in front of the body. Return to standing.

Reps: 5 each leg

3. Pull Ups - Pull Up Bar

Oh, the elusive pull up. Good thing the pull up bar was made to practice in the comfort of home. I am not going to go over form here really, what matters is going slow and remembering to engage the core. Whether that is a traditional pull up, a neutral grip pull up, a chin up or assisted band pull up—go to the max that can be done in proper form.

*If doing a pull up in not in the toolbox yet, go to the suspension strap and start building that upper body strength with suspension strap pull ups instead. I've attached my suspension stap to my pull up bar so I can sit directly under it (please make sure the pull up bar is secure!). Sit directly under the straps with legs straightened or bent at the knee in front of the body. With shoulders and arms aligned, pull the body up until the handles meet the armpits and pause. Return to start and repeat.

Reps: Max in proper form (or 10 with suspension strap)

4. Swings - Dumbbell or Kettlebell

Grab the dumbbells or kettlebell with both hands and stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder length apart. Hinging from the hips, bring the DB/KB back towards the tailbone, then thrust hips forward to swing the DB/KB as high as the hips drive them. Remember, the arms aren’t doing the work, the hips are. Ever see swing dancers where the guy pulls the girl through his legs until she is in the air and back on her feet? All from the hips.

Reps: 15

5. Knee Ups - Pull Up Bar

This move is pretty straight forward. It lovingly works on grip strength and exhaust the core in the same manner. Hanging from the bar, but not letting shoulders droop from bodyweight, bring knees up to the chest and pause. Lower back down and repeat.

Reps: 8 to 10

6. One-Leg Deadlift to Row - Dumbbells or Kettlebell

I like to build workouts that integrate a lot of balance training, and this exercise is one of my favorites. Doing the deadlift with one leg not only works on balance, but engages the core to hold the weight in hand and keeps one from tipping over. Glutes and hamstrings do the same by bringing the upper body back to standing. With one foot slightly off the ground and the other firmly planted, hinge at the hips, lowering the dumbbells down towards the shin. As the upper body lowers, the free leg raises behind to body until the spine and back leg make a straight line parallel to the ground. From here, pull the dumbbells up to the armpits for the row, lower back to the shins and reverse the movement. Repeat the same movement on the other leg and that is one rep.

Reps: 10

7. Chest Press to Fallout - Suspension Strap

This one is a favorite for shoulder stability and working all the stabilizing muscles in several directions. I wish I had done more of these in my dodgeball days. The ol’ arm is still as creaky as a rusty door hinge. Stand facing away from the door with straps on the outside of the arms. Feet will be closer to the door so the body will be in a suspended prone position. Lower the body as arms expand into a chest press. Then, as the hands come back in front transition in the fallout position, raising the arms above the head and making the body a straight line. Return to start and that is one rep.

Reps: 10

8. Snowboarder Jump - Bodyweight

I am pretty sure this is just called a 180º squat jump, but I guess this is what the kids are calling it these days. It is like when my junior roller derby girls starting saying “swag” all the time. (Shrug.) Start facing to your left in an squatted position. Loading your legs, jump while turning the body with the hips (hips, hips, hips), landing softly facing to the right, back in a squatted position. Jump back in the same direction to start, then repeat on the other side. That is one rep. My old speed coach used to drive this tip into our brains when we wanted to turn smoothly on skates. The hips are like the gas pedal and steering wheel of a car, the body can’t produce power and direction without them.

Reps: 1 minute

Extra Credit

Cardio Blast: Jump Rope

Tacking on a metabolic finisher at the end of a strength set is a great way to burn calories and build endurance long after the workout is done. Take a quick trip outside to finish the workout with this 15 minute jump rope routine adapted from Real Simple and reward yourself with a nice cool down and stretch afterwards.

1. Basic Jump: 1 minute on; 1 minute rest

2. Alternating Leg Jump: 1 minute on; 1 minute rest

3. Basic Jump/Alternating Leg Jump Combo (8 Basic / 8 Alternating): 1 minute on; 1 minute rest

4. High Knees Jump: 1 minute on; 1 minute rest

5. Zig Zag Jump: 1 minute on; 1 minute rest

(Keeping feet close together, jump up and turn the hips to one side at the same time. On the next jump up, turn hips in the opposite direction and repeat.)

5. Endurance Jump (can switch between Basic and Alternating jumping): 5 minutes non-stop


Great job! How productive are we feeling now? No one can call you a slacker in pajamas after this one.


As a freelancer, working from home is part of my day to day routine. The same goes for training. My tiny apartment is home, but also the office and the gym. Now imagine the level of difficulty trying to stay productive when my office faces the bed (I love naps) and my gym faces the television (Another season of Supernatural? Bring it…).

They say the key to productivity is having the right mindset. With freelancers, they say to not spend all day in your pajamas and get dressed like you were actually heading to an office. As for a home gym, I say to not only get dressed, but have the right tools. I once was training a client online and asked her to bring out any equipment she had at home. After disappearing from the monitor for a few minutes, she returned triumphantly with a Shake Weight. I couldn’t help but laugh, but mostly because it was all too familiar—as I was using a kitchen stool for box jumps at the time. Having the proper tools at home can be highly motivational and for most, can even replace a gym membership altogether. Here are my favorite tools to be the most productive from home.

Jump Rope
Good for: Cardio, performance art with Shia LeBeouf

There was one afternoon where I was doing burpees in my living room and heard my downstairs neighbor tapping on the ceiling. I couldn’t tell if they were annoyed by all the jumping or the crazy drum n’ bass I happened to be blasting at the time. We’ll never know. But when I take my jumping outside or down in the garage, a jump rope is an excellent tool to get cardio in without having to travel the distance. I prefer the jump rope over going for a run, because I have much better technique jumping over running, which saves me from the high impact that running causes to my knees and shins. In the end, I burn more calories.

Pull Up Bar
Good for: Upper body; core

Since I no longer belong to a gym, it became increasingly hard for me to find somewhere to do pull ups. I have to travel a bit to find outdoor pull up bars and sometimes have to wait in line behind grunting shirtless dudes to even just get a few in. It took a great deal of research to find one that would fit in a door in my rental apartment, but once I found one that would work it has helped balance out my upper body strength dramatically and brings focus back to my core.

Foam Roller
Good for: Flexibility training; recovery

No home should be without one. Just like a fire detector can save a life, so can a foam roller. Really, it is that important. The intensity of training needs to be constantly undone, and having a foam roller to work out all the major kinks just before bed or while watching a hefty amount of Veep on HBOGO helps reduce soreness and increases flexibility before the next session, much like how Tony Hale always knows what to bring Julia Louis-Dreyfus after a day of burning political bridges.

Suspension Strap
Good for: Stabilization training, muscle activation

Athletes need to train with instability to learn how to activate multiple muscles simultaneously in order to gain control over stabilization. A suspension strap is a simple way to create an unstable and controlled environment and also take traditional moves like a push up or hamstring curl to the next level. Don’t want to drop a ton of money on a TRX system? Try the more basic version that still gets the job done from the people over at MostFit, which is just as easy to use over a door or tree branch.

A pair of Dumbbells or Kettlebell
Good for: Strength training

I really do love bodyweight exercises like nobody’s business. They are the most effective exercises for building strength and muscle endurance, but if you are in the hypertrophy and maximum strength phases of training, adding resistance will help muscle growth and add the load needed to achieve the right results. Medium weight dumbbells are generally great additions to your basic bodyweight exercises (like a pushup + a row) and a kettlebell workout can burn up to 1000 calories in just one session (I can think of a dozen iron puns right now, but I will save you the eye roll.)

Runners up and honorable mentions:

- Resistance bands: The cheapest and most portable tool to bring with on vacation and still get a great resistance workout in. Also my go-to workout tool on recovery days when working on prehab/PT.

- Stability ball: Another tool that can morph simple exercises into complex ones, however, hard to store in small spaces.

- Kitchen step stool: Ok, NOT recommended as a tool, but gets a mention since I really did use it for jumping on. Then I got smart and took my jumps outside on park benches. I should know better, since one of my biggest fears is ending up in a #fitnessfail montage on Ellen.

Wondering how to use all of these together for a complete workout? Stay tuned next week for a home workout post!